Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Military Poll

Newsvine: "A poll by the Military Times newspaper group suggests that there is overwhelming support for John McCain among U.S. troops in every branch of the armed forces by a nearly 3-1 margin.

According to the poll, 68 percent of active-duty and retired servicemen and women support McCain, while 23 percent support Barack Obama. The numbers are nearly identical among officers and enlisted troops.

The Military Times, which publishes the Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times and Air Force Times, polled 80,000 subscribers from Sept 22 to Sept. 29. The non-scientific survey gathered 4,300 respondents -- all of them registered and eligible to vote.

A racial divide was immediately evident among the respondents. Nearly eight in 10 black service members chose Obama, while McCain captured 76 percent of white voters and 63 percent of Hispanic voters." from:

What I'm wondering is - all the political polls that are taken, do they include the military in their polls?? The soldiers overseas, etc. It seems to me these should bring up McCain's percentage ratings.


Devoted said...

That's true. My son is in the military and he voted for McCain/Palin. But he was already a republican supporter. Good job with this blog. :-D

bp said...

I agree you're doing a good job with this blog.

I have wondered about this, thank you for this information.

Mary said...

My husband is retired from the military. I always wondered if they counted our opinions for anything. I heard that in the last election, they threw away all the absentee votes by military people. Your blog is great. Mary.