Comment from Lipstick Republican: "I, too, am amazed at the Christians I know who are supporting Obama. The verse that keeps coming to my mind is "O, you foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?" Paul chastised the Galatians who had reverted to their old way of thinking. These people I love seem to have reverted to an unredeemed way of thinking, too. So I pray that the eyes of the (spiritually) blind will be opened and the ears of the (spiritually) deaf unstopped."
This is a good prayer. I believe in praying scripture, it works!
Here is the suggested way to pray from Patrick Joshua for the voters: (Note: I can't get this to change colors from blue to a lighter color. If you highlight the blue parts you can read it better.)
Praying for those voting: Pray that each person voting will be convicted to vote for the person of righteousness, the person of God's choosing, in each elected office and in each ballot initiative. PRAY FOR GOD'S PRESENCE TO OVERSHADOW EACH PERSON AS THEY MAKE THEIR DECISION.
"The Spirit of the Lord will be upon him – the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord – and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears" Isaiah 11:2-3
Those praying: Pray that God would empower intercessors and people across the nation and around the world to call out to Him day and night in extraordinary prayer during this season."And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a Spirit of grace and supplication." Zechariah 12:10
The Church: Pray that the Church would be fully awakened, engaged and empowered during this critical season. Pray that we would understand the urgency and importance of this election and the implications for the advancement of God's purposes in our nation and around the world.
"The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this". Isaiah 9:7
I was watching The Orlando Baptist Church and heard they are holding a prayer vigil Monday and Election Day. I sent them the Patrick Joshua prayer guide, and they called and thanked me for it! I'm trying to get it around to as many people as possible. This is from Charlotte's At Home in Scottsdale blog Click on Charlotte's name to read it. I have an excerpt from it below on Tuesday, October 28.
I can't stress these prayers enough, pray them, pray them!! I was awake until after 3 a.m. praying during the night. I couldn't sleep, so I prayed!!! I kept reading over and over these prayers by Patrick Joshua.
God answers the fervent prayers of His Children!
I just read Susan's (Penless Writer) blog today, she has a great prayer guide posted, I'm going to print it out and use it to pray. I may be up half the night again!
A friend gave me a tee shirt, it fits like a dress, I sleep in it, this is what it says:
Before you go to bed, give your troubles to GOD He will be up all night anyway.
Another good post, Katherine. I, too, find myself waking up around 3 in the morning and I pray about the election.
I love the beautiful flowers by the way.
I like the above quote about giving our troubles to God when you go to bed. I'm glad he doesn't need to sleep like we do.
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