Saturday, October 18, 2008

Power of Prayer Blog

I have decided to start another blog! This one will be on The Power of Prayer! I'm so excited about having such a good response from all of you about praying together as a group! This blog will contain copies of all the prayer messages from my Yellow Rose Arbor blog (YRA.) I will continue to post photos and messages on decorating and other fun things on my Yellow Rose Arbor blog.

I have always tried to keep my YRA blog from being controversial about politics and religion, but now feel the Lord is calling me to stand up for our country and reach out to others about my beliefs. I believe in prayer, I believe in miracles! I have been in prayer groups for the majority of my life, and I have seen prayers answered, and miracles happen! I'm a firm believer in joining together in group prayer. "Where two or three have gathered together in My name there I am in their midst." Mt. 18:20

Women can change things with prayer! Back in the 70s I read a book "What Happens When Women Pray" I put it to a test, and found the principles true. Men are also welcome to join us in prayer as well, the more the merrier!

If you are not in agreement with my beliefs, then this is not the blog for you, I suggest you move on to others that you are more compatible with. Believe me I haven't wanted to be stretched in this direction of talking about politics and religion, but I feel the Lord is leading me to do this.

Since this is such a risky subject putting myself out there for angry people to blast, therefore I will moderate all comments before publishing them. Please do not let this stop you from leaving kind messages!

I'm including the first controversial message I posted on my YRA blog on September 15, 2008 where I told about being a former Democrat, and why I changed.

I hope you enjoy this new blog and will participate with me on it. If you post something on your blog you want read by my blog followers, please let me know and I will post a link to your blog.

Thank you for your encouragement to be brave, to take a bigger step (giant step!) in this direction! I covet your prayers! There is power in prayers, especially group prayers, I need your prayer support!

I will still continue to post decorating and other fun things on my YRA blog.


"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst." Matthew 18:19, 20 NASB


Rhondi said...

Hi Katherine
Good for you for stepping out with a new blog. I am glad to be the first one to comment!
Hugs, Rhondi

Anonymous said...

This is great, Katherine. I know what you mean about being torn between not being controversial and standing up for what you believe. I will change the link on my sidebar to tie in with this new blog. Thanks for letting me know. I find myself waking up during the night and praying about this situation. Time is running out. We need to be praying diligently. Thank you for your encouragment.

Susan said...

Good for you Katherine. God is certainly calling ALL of us to prayer and I answered that same "call" when I started Hearts In "1" Accord Prayer Blog last May. There can never be too many prayer blogs!!! We, as Christians, need to do all we can to spread Christs Word on this wonderful medium that has been given us to reach literally around the world.

I don't know if you read my blog recently, but I had one of our Hearts prayer bloggers call me in Oklahoma City from South Africa the day my husband had heart surgery. I took the call in ICU. Talk about blessings and support. WOW.....we really are just getting a small glimpse of what God is doing. I'm glad I'm part of it. Like Noah "I'm glad I'm on the inside looking out.....and not on the outside looking in!"

I look forward to following this new blog, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I see you watch Fox News too. I am so thankful for that station. I watch the other cable news channels occasionally but can't watch them for long because I get so angry with their bias. I always end up going back to Fox.

Maree said...

Thanks for your sweet comments.

I believe Psalm 46 is especially helpful now. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.....

The Psalm ends with "Be still, and know that I am God......The Lord Almighty is with us....

It has still amazes me that our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth!


Maree said...

Wonderful lady who blogs about abortion...extremely powerful website.

bp said...

Hello! I'm so glad to find your blog. I will look around more and mark you on my reader. I found you from Charlotte. God bless you!

Mary said...


I love the scripture from Matthew. It is one that I've used throughout my life. If two shall agree in my Name...

Blessings to you for following God's voice.


Saleslady371 said...

I, too am praying about the election. Your blog is an encouragement. I love to pray. It is so powerful. Bless you.

joy! said...

We are praying that the eyes of the blind will be opened and that the Truth will be revealed. We long to see a culture of life promoted by our leaders. Thank you for this call to prayer.